"...NO ONE IS SAFE..."
New Users:
Go directly to Recruitify Hoops.
Click Create account then click "Club".
Once the Club form is complete, click "Create Account".
Once logged into your Club account, click the "Teams" tab at the top of the page and click "Let's create my first team".
Then click "Add Team". You can create/add as many teams as you would like.
Fill out the team information, including at least one coach.
Find the event you're interested in and click "Register"
Select your teams and scroll down to complete registration.
Existing Users:
Enter your Club username and password.
From the "Teams" tab, make sure that all of the correct teams are created and information is accurate.
Click the "Register for Events" tab at the top of the page
Find the event you're interested in and click "Register"
Select your teams and scroll down to complete registration.